A Few Words
About Me
Exceptional Service
About US
We would like to introduce our firms and the various services we can render to your reputable
organization for your consideration and patronage: Bamisile & Co (Chartered Accountants) is a
Firm of Chartered Accountants registered with The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria
(ICAN), since year 2001. Affiliated to the accounting firm is HALLI-D Consulting a management,
tax and financial advisory firm. In the discharge of our professional obligations, our Firms are in
strategic collaboration with three (3) other firms that got their practice licenses through Bamisile &
Co. The names of this firms and the area of our strategic alliances are:
Lanre Akinola & Co (Chartered Accountants), Lagos- Taxation & CAC Consultancy Services
DY Abaenogbe & Co (Chartered Accountants, Abuja)- Taxation, Forensic Audit & Receivership
Francis Ola Banjoko & Co (Chartered Accountants), Lagos- Accounting Softwares/IT Solutions
We are proposing to offer services as Auditors/Consultants/ Trainers to your organization.
As a global Professional Firm we provide audit, management advisory, tax, accountancy and other
professional services to clients throughout Nigeria. These clients range in size from small embryonic
ventures to large limited liability companies with sophisticated financial reporting and accounting

Accounting Services
Our Fees
Our fees shall be based on the skill and the time involved in carrying out the assignments under each
of the services below. Our estimated fees shall be exclusive of any incidental travel and out of pocket
expenses that might be incurred in the course of executing the assignment.
The estimated fee shall be communicated to your organization after preliminary review of the scope of
the assignment.
We trust this proposal conveys our desire to receive instructions for this engagement since we are
convinced that we offer the highest quality service and because we would be proud to include your
organization among our chain of reputable clients.